A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is basically an alternative server that is intended at improving content delivery speeds from the main server to the end user. There are additional security-related features that come alongside. A Content Delivery Network, therefore, ensures your web visitors get the information they need wherever and whenever they want it; it hastens page loading speeds thus quickens access to information. This review has sampled some of the top Free WordPress CDN Service brands with industry’s finest packages. Be sure to compare different providers and the packages they offer before settling for any.

10. Cachefly WordPress CDN

Cachefly Free WordPress CDN Service has a reputation for speed and security. This superfast web optimization platform gives your site 70+ points in Google lighthouse scores. With extensive date coverage centers world over, Cachefly guarantees a tailor-made solution that will address all your delivery-related concerns from trial to package activation. Their performance experts are ready and willing to help with the configuration process for a ready-to-go custom platform for QA testing. CacheflyCDN helps you grow your business from the ground up. Eliminate CDN outrage, page buffers, and access new markets with ease. Cachefly WordPress CDN provides more than just faster page download speeds; it is your gateway to a world of business possibilities, opportunities, and markets. Key features of Cachefly WordPress CDN

8. Incapsula Free WordPress CDN Service

Incapsula WordPress CDN is designed to improve your website’s security and still delivers contents fast. The Imperva Attack Analytics tool provides real-time security alerts thus guaranteeing top performance. It comes with a DDoS protection feature that mitigates against all application and network related breaches. The CDN caching and content optimization features ensure all web contents are optimized and customized for speedy delivery. It has a number of data centers spread all over the globe. These ensure smooth site operation and improved server health by making use of its load balancer feature to distribute the workload to different centers. Key features of  Incapsula Free Word CDN Service 

7. CDN77 Free WordPress CDN Service

The CDN77 provides the best platform for delivering and sharing Hubble images. It supports HTTP/2 server push, Instant SSL, and Brotli which guarantee a safe and secure image delivery. It supports seamless HLS, HDS, and MPEG-DASH video streaming. The CDN77 comes with a redundant network design; expertly designed to absorb high traffic peaks of up to 4.48Tbps. It has more than 32 PoPs worldwide for excellent load distribution. This ensures absolutely no buffering and super-fast page loading speeds. It accommodates WordPress caching plugins and a horde of other content management system plugins. Key features of CDN77 Free WordPress CDN Service

6.Microsoft Azure CDN

Microsoft Azure CDN service is a global delivery platform that is specially made for high bandwidth contents. By prioritizing speed, this WordPress CDN guarantees your clients the very best user experience. It saves you bandwidth, improves site loading time, and responsiveness. Microsoft Azure CDN supports media streaming, site development, and management. In addition to minimizing latency, the Microsoft Azure also integrates well with media workflow. This supports real-time performance and video content streaming. It supports fast and localized content downloads thus enhancing roll-out speeds. Key features of  Microsoft Azure CDN

5. Google cloud CDN

Google cloud Free WordPress CDN Service works from redundant data centers. It makes use of Google’s global edge points to cache HTTP load balanced contents. Because of the wide global infrastructure, the Google Cloud CDN is one of the best channels to deliver contents fast and efficiently to end users. Key features of Google cloud CDN

4. Rackspace Free WordPress CDN Service

This is a global Free WordPress CDN Service provider that has earned a reputation for a proactive and results-oriented approach. It comes ready and set with a holistic security apparatus to take care of the worst case scenarios. Rackspace WordPress CDN’s hardware is ultramodern, scalable and optimized for high-level efficiency. It has an environment that complies with FISMA, SOX, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS standards. This ensures all your sensitive data and information are under lock and key. Its infrastructure is specially made for speedy content delivery. This is attributed to its high uptime and fast processing speeds. The Rackspace WordPress CDN accords you the privilege to choose to migrate to either a private or public cloud storage for enhanced data security. Key features of Rackspace Free WordPress CDN Service

3. KeyCDN

KeyCDN is an HTTP/2-ready real-time content delivery network that is built for the future. It is a simple, fast, and reliable CDN that guarantees the end users the best experience. It comes with highly optimized TCP track and 100% SSD coverage for top-notch performance. It supports instant purge, RESTful API, and origin shield data protection feature among other cool specs. It is founded on a low latency based system and IP Anycast technology for top performance.  Key features of KeyCDN

2. Cloudflare Free WordPress CDN Service

Cloudflare WordPress CDN is built to provide a quality content delivery network that integrates modern technological trends. The good design and performance guarantee end users access to advanced protocols. The Cloudflare CDN is very easy and simple to setup and use. Its monthly premium plans are also very affordable. It offers a flat bandwidth pricing model, regardless of traffic spikes. The Cloudflare Workers supports improved cache hit ratio for otherwise difficult to cache content. In order to improve API and application response times, this CDN supports caching of output from Cloudflare Workers. Key features of Cloudflare Free WordPress CDN Service

1. MaxCDN service

MaxCDN has all its features and performance integrated into the all-new StackPath platform of secure edge services. It has in-built security features and cloud-scale storage alongside its WAF, Managed DNS, and Content monitoring systems. It offers a 30-day free trial period for all its premium monthly plans. Key features of MaxCDN service


There are many Free WordPress CDN Service providers offering different packages and plans. Some of them are very good while others are not quite as good. Our review has summarized CDN service providers with the best packages and plans. This summary constitutes a brief description of the particular product, the associated features, and some pros. Take the guesswork out of shopping by choosing from our list of affordable, reliable, and scalable Free WordPress CDN Service providers.

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