Instagram is one such platform that will make your email marketing efforts and campaigns more successful. All you have to do is drive and encourage your Instagram followers to sign in the opt-in form and not simply restrict your efforts to gain only a large number of real Instagram likes. Most of the people do not know that they can use Instagram to grow their email list. This is not surprising given the fact that most people believe that emails do not have any place or anything to do in this modern, digital and fast-paced world. However, modern business marketing is all about gaining more attention and driving more engagement from the customers. In this digital world of marketing, it is only those businesses that make the best use of as many social media channels as possible are the ones that will be able to:

Capture more leads Generate more sales and Create more brand value.

One of the best ways to do so is the top grows your email list. However, the question is how you can do that. The answer to that is, by running a contest or a giveaway. The reasons behind saying so are:

People love social media contests It is a fun and effective way to provide everyone with an opportunity to get something paying nothing for it It will provide huge benefits for the brand It will increase the number of followers and fans It will enhance online engagement and It will inspire virality.

Over and above all these benefits, this will increase your chances to get a lot of email subscribers if you do it properly.

Ways to do it properly

Ideally, there are three basic ways in which you can convert Instagram followers into your email subscribers. These are:

You should try and create an incentive. This will ideally be the reason for the visitors to provide you with their email address. The best incentives are those that the audience will love to own or win such as a discount, a free gift or free shipping. You must also create the best bio because this is the only section where Instagram will allow your followers to give you their email addresses. Keep it brief to describe your business and provide a value proposition of the incentive to encourage them to click on the link.

Lastly, you should create a landing page with the help of different professionally designed templates. This will ensure better UX, UI and conversion rates

Do it gracefully

Whatever you do, please do not ask them to sign for your newsletter plainly. This will not provide you with the desired results. You must do it more gracefully so that you can turn them off Instagram. For this you need to:

Make sure that they are not set wandering everywhere on your website with lots of options for them Ensure that your bio link sends them to the right landing page that has the sign-up form Provide the followers with a better, continuous and more cohesive brand and user experience Have more control over the visuals, text, and other elements in your content and Give them a reason to sign in to your email list. Providing your audience some sort of significant value is an incredible method to gather email addresses because there will be some who will need something in return. Maybe you give away an eBook or content upgrade they have to send in their address for or maybe you host a webinar to teach a how-to and they sign up with their address. As long as your audience sees some sort of significant value, they are more likely to see what else you have to offer

You can also make the best use of Instagram ads that are typically run through Facebook. This will be the right tool to target the right audience. Last but not least, make sure that you set up a thank you page. This will help you to keep a track of the number of people who visited your page and the number of visitors who actually signed up to know your conversion rate.

Reasons to use Instagram

There are lots of reasons to use Instagram to grow your email list. One of the most significant reasons is that this is the most effective and also the most traditional platform where you will find a lot of highly engaged visitors. This means that you will have a greater opportunity to drive more leads, provided you are more creative with your planning and execution. There are also a few other good reasons to use Instagram rather than other social media platforms. These are:

Having a massive community of over one billion and still counting, you will be able to reach out to more of your targeted audience at a global scale with your photos and videos. It is also the most appealing app for mobile users on social media through which they can interact with their friends on the go about a particular brand or the product they love. The best reason to use Instagram is that it is absolutely free for all to use. Instapage is here to help you with collect emails with no mailing rundown provider associated with begin if off. But, once you are aware of the tools that you want to use, you can actually connect it to a landing page within few clicks. They are known to integrate for free of cost with all the popular ones like GetResponse, Mailchimp, Madmimi, Aweber thus some more. Encourage people to connect through direct messaging (DM). Request people to share their opinions and experiences with your products; ask them what their favorite product is, or ask them to come up with an idea for a new product.

If you are still not convinced, there are other reasons as well. The Instagram users typically have profitable customers who have deep pockets. According to the Pew Research Center, it is known that about 30% of the users of Instagram earn anywhere between $50,000 and $74,999 a year.

Export large number of bio URLs

Therefore, start building your email list with Instagram. The results will really amaze you if only you can nurture your subscribers. For this, you will need to increase your Instagram post frequency. This will not only create more email subscribers but will also help you to use the Google sheets to export bio URLs as well as emails on a mass scale. This will be easy even if there is a strong restriction in the Instagram API. You will be able to make the best use of the data obtained from third-party sources and analyze them to optimize your post frequency as well as your email marketing efforts. Using Google sheets is a very effective process in which you can get a huge list of Instagram followers without even having to use any external service. With this list in hand you will be able to get more URLs and in turn the email addresses of those account holders.

Pro Tip – Ghost Posting:

This tip takes 20 minutes to implement. This is a tip that you can utilize if you really want to turbocharge the growth of your email list off of Instagram. You’ll find it especially valuable if you already have an enormous number of followers on Instagram. Ghost posting is the point when you publish a post that straight up promotes your incentives – like an advertisement. In the caption, you request that people click the link in your bio to get the incentive – which sends them to your landing page BUT! The reason we call it Ghost Posting is that you delete the post after one or two hours. Why delete the post? Well let’s be honest, who wants to follow a brand that has a feed full of advertisement?

Author’s Bio:

Pete Campbell is a social media manager and has immense knowledge about email marketing and Instagram promotion. He delights his clients by helping them buy real Instagram likes. He loves to travel, write and play baseball.

Converting Instagram Followers to Email Subscribers Is Not Hard - 64