Microsoft released this tool since Windows Me came out in the year 2000 but you can still find this tool in almost every latest or previously released version of windows, beside all server edition OS’s like Windows Server 2008 etc. After Windows Me, Microsoft has done a hard work on this tool to make it better and better and they get succeed by releasing a better version of this tool in windows vista and recently I’ve tested this tool on windows 10 after corrupting my windows and you know what, it works like a charm. System restore only works when you’ve made any restore checkpoint in your windows to restore that point in future to make your computer restored as it back then when it’s in the normal state. I mean you’ll need to create a restore point in your operating system to save the current windows running state in your computer’s hard drive and that will allow you to use that windows backup to restore or reset your computer to make it as look like it back then, exactly like when you’ve made that backup point. I’ve explained this lately in this or in my some others article which I’m also listed in this post to make it easier for you to perform and understand this task. So, don’t worry about it because it’s just like we’re making a systems backup in an easy way.

#Something Technical about System Restore Tool and Its Features

System restore is a great tool for taking a backup of only our windows files or system’s configuration data, yes you can only use it to create a backup of your windows files not your personal data. When we start a process of creating a restore point, it will only take the backup of your windows files like system Registry, WMI Database, Drivers or some user profiles Appdata etc. So, that clarify it won’t gonna taking any backup of your person data like photos or video but the best part is it also won’t gonna delete any of your data like email, photos video and whatever you’ve saved in your drive when you do some restoration in future, it’s like you can restore your computer by your previously made restore point and the saved data of yours in your computer’s drive won’t gonna affect after restoration completes.

#Advantages And Disadvantages

It will secure your windows – But not your personal data. It will automatically make restoration point for you according to your schedule time – But it might slow your computer down for a while in that time of short period. You can restore your corrupted windows by your windows disc – But you’ll need an exactly disc of your windows versions to do this restore process by booting. Available in all recent version of windows – But not in windows server editions.

#So, Now The Main Question Is How To Use This System Restore Tool?

Now the First thing I want you to understand this software and that will help you for your future use. So, here are some of the useful things what I’m listed below –


There are three main features of our windows system restore and those are – Creating A Restore Point – By this feature, you can create a restore point at any time when you wanted and that will take a snapshot of your operating system and get it saved in your computer’s hard disk for future restoration use. Restoring A Restore Point – By this feature you can restore your computers windows back to that time when restore point is just created and we commonly use this features when our operating system got corrupted by some virus or software and with the use of this tool can get everything back to normal, only if the restore point was created in the past. Undo The Last Restoration – This features will help us to undo the last unsatisfied restoration. Yes, this tool also gets your system back to its previous state if you find the recent restoration is not beneficial for you.


Using this tool is so handy and I made it easier for you to understand it well by making the different guide for commonly used version of windows and in those articles, I’ll fully describe about, how to create a restore point, how to do restoration or something more about it. So, here are some articled linked below and you can open any article what you want or according to your version of windows and that article will defiantly give you all answers for your questions about restorations. Note – Beside that I’ll recommend reading the last topic in this article first and after that, you can continue with the suggested article.

How to Use System Restore in Windows Xp? How to Use System Restore in Windows 10? – Tutorial is same for windows 7 & 8, because of same process.

3# Different Ways to Open System Restore On Your Computer

There are so many different ways to start system restore in your windows and I’m listed them all to extend your knowledge. #Start By Run Command In All Version Of Windows – Type rstrui.exe and press enter open it.

#Start By Cmd In Windows XP – Command prompt command to open system restores   => %systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe

#Start By Cmd In Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 &10 – Type rstrui.exe and press enter open it.

#Start by Options in Start Menu in Windows Xp, Vista & 7 –

Start by Custom Search on Starts Menu in windows vista, 7, 8, 8.1 & 10 –

Start by system properties in windows vista, 7, 8, 8.1 & 10 –

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