If you’re extra sensitive to these subtle changes or are more attuned to your body and surroundings, chances are you’ll feel it most. Essential oils (EOs) are a wonderful way to increase tapas, or what yogis refer to as heat or warmth in the body and mind. EOs are plant-based concentrated compounds derived from tree resin and bark, roots, flowers, nuts, seeds, and leaves. These highly active plant oils are extracted through processes like steam distillation and cold-pressing. Plant and herbal medicine have been used for centuries by many different cultures around the world for healing, wellness, cooking, and beauty purposes. In recent years research has also shown that certain EOs are particularly helpful for boosting immunity, reducing stress, depression, and anxiety, while also improving sleep quality, and managing allergy symptoms. Some essential oils like peppermint and eucalyptus have a cooling effect thanks to compounds like menthol. Other oils have a warming effect.

The top 3 warming & heating essential oils for seasonal & weather transitions:

1. Cinnamon bark oil (Cinnamomum verum)

This warming and aromatic oil is jam-packed with antioxidants that help to decrease inflammation, boost immunity, and fight disease-causing free radicals. Cinnamon bark is also known to contain anti-viral and antiparasitic properties. It can help regulate blood sugar and promote good circulation. Caution: If you have sensitive skin you’ll need to dilute the oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil if you’re using it topically.

2. Ginger oil (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger oil not only warms, but it also energizes. It’s known as the “oil of empowerment” because it can help you cultivate inner confidence and self-assuredness. One of its main active compounds, gingerol, is a potent anti-inflammatory that helps support immunity, promotes good blood circulation, and reduces joint pain. Ginger oil is very helpful with digestive issues and nausea too. It also helps to manage cold and sore throat symptoms, which makes it a perfect fall and winter oil to have in your natural medicine cabinet at home. Caution: If you have sensitive skin you’ll need to dilute the oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil if you’re using it topically.

3. Clove oil (Eugenia caryophyllata)

This warm and spicy oil is a healing powerhouse with the highest amount of antioxidant content of all herbs and spices. Clove oil helps to boost immunity by preventing bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal infections. This makes it a perfect companion for flu and cold season. It’s also an energizing oil that helps boost vital energy by balancing blood pressure and supporting healthy blood circulation. Caution: If you have sensitive skin you’ll need to dilute the oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil if you’re using it topically.

How to use warming essential oils

The best, most effective way to benefit from these oils is to use them topically and also diffuse them in your home. As mentioned, because they are so potent you’ll need to proceed with care when using them directly on your skin. Use this Warming Body Rub recipe whenever you feel you need a little extra heat on the body:

3 tablespoons room temperature coconut oil 1 drop cinnamon bark oil 2 drops ginger oil 1 drop clove oil 3 drops sweet orange oil

Thoroughly mix the oils with the coconut oil for even distribution and massage to the skin as needed. Discontinue use immediately if you experience any discomfort or adverse effects. Use this Warming Diffuser Blend recipe for added healing benefits:

4 drops cinnamon oil 2 drops ginger oil 3 drops clove oil 3 drops sweet orange oil

Fill your diffuser to the indicated lines and add the essential oils.