In yoga, we approach stressful, overwhelming, fearful, angry, and anxious moments with an invitation to summon the neutral Observer or Witness within us. This part of ourselves serves as an anchor that helps us stay connected to the present moment instead of getting swept up in our emotions, stories, or reactions. An effective tool that helps activate the Observer within you is the 5 Senses Mindfulness Exercise. It helps to activate your senses so that the monkey mind has something to do instead of just ruminate, over-think, and loudly react. This exercise helps your higher mind take over for a while. And the effects tend to be a reduction in stress and reactivity, along with an increase in inner calm and self-awareness.

5 senses mindfulness exercise steps:

Use the following five steps to ground yourself when things feel chaotic or out of control. It may seem really simple to go through these steps but don’t underestimate the power of simplicity here. Allow your senses to guide you into more calm, more awareness, and more well-being. Make this exercise a habit and notice all the little positive changes that come with it.