Conversation Participants lets you choose who can reply to each tweet that you publish. You can set it to allow anyone, just those you follow, or just those you mention in the particular tweet.
Did I hear someone shout Hallelujah? Finally, you can have some decent conversations on Twitter without some uncouth fellows jumping in to be rude or to even derail the convo entirely. The battle against abusive behaviour online just scored a major point on Twitter. Oh; and there is another option that lets you prevent ANYONE from replying a tweet you publish. Yes; this is a delicious one for when you want to vent or have a monologue and do not have the energy to entertain replies. Conversation Participants was announced at CES 2020 and will roll out at an unspecified date in 2020, but a limited experiment will start happening before the end of March 2020. I think this is a superb move by Twitter and that it will indeed curve abuse and allow for a saner experience for many users. Are you excited about the new Conversation Participants that Twitter has announced? Source